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Writer's pictureBetsey Gooch Stewart

Tribute to Our Beloved Rector Aimee

Updated: Apr 26, 2022

Rector Aimee, John and Betsey Stewart

Our beloved Rector and Priest Aimee is a cradle Episcopalian, raised in the Church, Sunday school, and summer camps, called into the ministry at a young age. She is a strong, positive force for good. It was a holy calling when God called her to Southern California seven years ago. In seven years, she has spread the love of Jesus, her Lord, wherever she set her foot: the Miramar Beach, the Church grounds, the mountains above our village. She glows with the Holy Spirit around her, and as she leaves us after Easter 2022 for her new assignment in Texas, we send our love and prayers to her and a sincere "Thank you, Aimee" for blessing us all. "Feed My sheep." John 21:17b

John and Betsey Stewart IV

Members of All Saints Episcopal Church

Montecito, California

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