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Writer's pictureBetsey Gooch Stewart

A Sacred Holy Hour

Updated: Mar 5, 2018

Evangelist William Franklin Graham, Jr. was laid to rest today, March 2, 2018, Charlotte, North Carolina,at his Library and family home in North Carolina. He was born on November 7, 1918 and died on February 21, 2018 at the age of 99. His funeral was broadcast live on national TV.  There were 2300 invited guests. President and Mrs. Trump and Vice President and Mrs. Pence attended.  The brick home in the background was Billy's childhood home. His sister, Jean Graham Ford, spoke about her brother, their home, family farm, and where they grew up in as children. A barn stood nearby which is now the Billy Graham Library, has a cross the size of the barn on the side. His life and the funeral may be seen on-line.

Billy Graham's closed casket was brought to the funeral area and the service commenced at 9:00 am Pacific time, 12 Noon Eastern time. The Service opened with songs of praise by a ladies choir group. It was a Bible, Southern Baptist program. Pastors spoke and shared Bible verses and thanked Dr. Graham for his world-wide ministry of leading millions to Jesus Christ, quoting only God's Word, the Bible, and sharing that God loves each person, no matter what race or nationality, rank, queens and prisoners, and wants each person to come to Jesus. "God loves you," Billy said one on one, or before millions.

"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him, will not perish, but will have everlasting life."  John 3:16. 

Billy's wife Ruth preceded him in death and he was laid to rest beside her. As a Medical missionary's daughter, growing up in China, Ruth, as a young girl, wrote a poem about the type of man she wanted to marry one day. Billy and Ruth's five children spoke at their Daddy's funeral.  First was Gigi, the first daughter of the 5, who read her Mom's poem, Gigi Graham Touchingly Tells How Her Father Was The Answer To Her Mom's Prayers. Then daughter Anne spoke and shared 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18. 

"For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we shall always be with the Lord. Therefore comfort one another with these words."  —1 Thessalonians 4:16-18.

Third born daughter, Ruth, spoke of her many trials, divorces, and, as a prodigal daughter, how her father Billy Graham waited for her at the top of the long drive up to their family home, a cabin on the side of a North Carolina mountain. She said she was so ashamed, and yet, when she saw her father, he opened his arms to his daughter and said, "Welcome home, Ruth, Welcome home" and Daddy Graham held her tightly in his arms with his love. Youngest son Ned spoke, as did 4th born son Franklin. Franklin spoke of his Mommy and Daddy and how much they loved each other and looked into each other's eyes with true love. 

They had met in college at Wheaton College in Illinois. Singer Bill Gaither and his men from Indiana sang a gospel song, and the benediction was given. The service ended with a Scottish bagpiper playing "Amazing Grace" and leading the recessional, the casket, pall bearers, family, into the Billy Graham Library, the Barn for burial next to Ruth, at the foot of the cross. A sacred holy hush filled the air. Gaither Music Pays Tribute to Rev. Billy Graham: 1918-2018:

Set apart, chosen of God, Billy Graham was sent by Jesus Christ to preach the gospel, the Bible, and the cross—integrity for 99 years. God bless Billy and Ruth Graham forever, now with our Lord Jesus, welcoming them "Home to Heaven."

President Trump Makes Remarks at the Lying in Honor of the Reverend Billy Graham (12:40 marker)

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